The Drake Musing
Kitchen pics
As promised, here are some pics of how the kitchen project is going. I've got the pedestal for the tabletop installed. I need to add the tabletop, tile, redo a little wiring, and drywall.

Looking in from the main part of the house. The sun room is closed off, but provides a lot of light, even on cloudy days like today.

View from the sun room looking into the main kitchen.

View from the main part of the kitchen. Breakfast nook (soon to be renamed pantry area) is on the left, and sun room on the right.

I'll be hitting it hard today and tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Is the idea to ditch the kitchen table completely, and use the new table instead? You will be creating a great deal of space in your kitchen. What are you going to do about lighting over the table? A row of small spotlights on a wooden base? It would work well in the cut out space.

It's fun to see into someone else's house. And I love decorating.
Or two hanging lamps, one toward each end? Or one oblong hanging lamp? I just think one single hanging lamp wouldn't work.
I will most likely either put in a set of 3 recessed lights or one track light that spans the overhead dividing partition. I need to go shopping. Weeee!

The kitchen table will be put in storage, to be used when I host the family Christmas gathering next year.

Where the table appears in these pics is just a temporary situation. I am looking to build an island with bar stool seating on the side of the sunroom entrance.

You'll see!
I pictured an island, in fact, but I didn't want to be too pushy.
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