The Drake Musing
Weekend Update
Update on sobriety: entering 12th day since last getting high and 4th day without a cigarette. Major crankiness this weekend, and coughing more now than when I was smoking. Also, eating everything in sight.

Ah, the joys of sobriety.

Have been playing quite a bit of golf lately, preparing for our church's outing next Saturday. Shot 46 on Thur, 39 on Sat, and 47 yesterday (on a strange course). These are 9 hole scores, of course. I've been walking these 9's in an effort to jump start an effort to get back into some semblance of shape - a shape that does NOT put one in mind of the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

Led my second of three sessions in Sunday school on Christians and the media. It went well, even though I didn't put enough time into the preparation. Big subject, this, and one that's difficult to lay out in the format. Turns out that several other people had also been tuned in to WORD-FM for the now-infamous comments made by a certain guest host on the afternoon talk show. In case any of her associates read this blog, public opinion in our neck of the woods was not favorable to her perspective. I think I shall have more to say on this subject when time allows.

Sneak peak into the wrap up session next week: we will be debating the proposition that the Harry Potter books are actually written from a Christian perspective, ala the 'smuggled theology' conceits of C.S. Lewis, Tolkien and the Inklings literary group out of Oxford in the 1930's and 40's. Stay tuned, as I'm sure the fur will fly.

Finally, I happened to hear a little blurb on the radio during my drive into work this morning about pending legislation in Spain which will require men to sign a civil contract before marrying which obliges them to split the 'domestic duties' with their wives 50/50. Failure to do so could result in unspecified 'penalties' should the marriage fall apart.

Well guys, brace yourselves. This judicial train has been steaming down the tracks for the past several decades. First, the completely unfair bias against financial support and legal custody of children in divorce. Now this.

So, if I understand this, a man in Spain will now be forced to cook, clean, do laundry and dishes, irrespective of the balance of time, money and strain it takes said man to contribute to the financial stability of the union. Moreover, it would seem at first blush that ONLY the man will be legally obligated to perform (and be able to prove in a court of law such performance) said domestic duties. This, I'm assuming, is because of the widely known, but seldom acknowledged, judicial supposition that women are morally superior to men and don't need the law to enforce domestic compliance.

Once again, the post-modern philosophy of Western jurisprudence has placed the blame for all of the ills in modern society at the feet of affluent, white, males. If only they could exterminate us, I'm sure the world would instantly transform back into the paradise inhabited by Adam and Eve in Eden.

Basically, what I keep hearing from the liberal judiciary is that we men are going to continue to pay dearly for being true to ourselves, while women (and I realize that this is a broad stroke not applicable to everyone) will continue to use the legal system to try and take by force what they've not been able to accomplish on merit.

Knowing that I've now successfully enraged every reader with a uterus, can we be serious for a minute? Why in the world would anyone with half a brain want to get married under such overwhelming oppression? It's been said that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, but aren't we assuming a bit much regarding a man's need for a woman in this milieu?

I mean, I'm just as guilty as the next guy of being a total horn dog, and I've sunk to desparate low just to get laid. But at this rate, the cost is just becoming too prohibitive.

Granted, this rant is based on a very sketchy story coming from a morning DJ who can't even pronounce Elgin, IL correctly. The 'G' is soft, dude! However, my own personal experience and the plethora of horror stories that abound all over the media make it all too plausible. Plus, since European law now has precedence-setting power in American courts, I'd be worried.

Or would I?

I predict a significant rise in prostitution, STD's, and sex-related crimes in Spain in the decades after this silly law is passed, as well as a sharp drop in the number of marriages. The last prediction probably won't come to pass, since we're pretty stupidly idealistic when we're young, but you get the point.

Ah yes, more enlightnement from the great Europe, that which all should strive to be. *spit*

And you are exactly right. Why would any man in his right mind get married in Spain?

Quinn's First Law states that Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent. I've yet to see an exception to said law.
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