Healthcare 101
Two interesting little tidbits about how America's health care system stacks up to other countries belonging to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This study, commissioned by OECD and written by individuals whose only agenda is to examine the issue of waiting times for 'elective' surgery in OECD countries. Here are some interesting facts and a conclusion about why the U.S. is not among the countries where this issue is a concern.
181. About 86% of the U.S. population is covered by health insurance. About 14% of the population has no insurance coverage, although subsidised programmes facilitate access for the 40 million uninsured (Docteur et al., 2003). Most of the working-age population and their family are covered by employer provided insurance plans. Medicare, a publicly-funded program, covers the older population and some of the disabled. Medicaid covers the poorest part of the population.
187. Conclusion. The United States spends much more on health care compared to all other OECD countries. Although bed capacity is lower compared with countries without waiting times, day surgery capacity is probably comparable or higher. The majority of providers of surgery is private and is highly incentivised to meet demand by activity-related payments.
The system ain't perfect, but it's a damn sight better than anyone else's by pretty much any objective standard.
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What's sad is the fact that you can't see that market-based incentives improve the overall quality of healthcare for EVERYONE. Putting a huge, lumbering government bureaucracy in charge of our healthcare only insures that we will soon encounter the same lowering of quality and reduction in service levels that plague Canada and the other half-dozen countries in the OECD who have universal healthcare legislation.
Again, you are confronted with well documented facts, and respond with absolutist, utopian and sweeping statements. Everyone DOES NOT agree with you or see the sense in your poorly constructed arguments.
Stop doing drugs and start doing research.
Again, you are confronted with well documented facts, and respond with absolutist, utopian and sweeping statements. Everyone DOES NOT agree with you or see the sense in your poorly constructed arguments.
Stop doing drugs and start doing research.
If I am wrong, then so are the professional researchers at OECD (which is in France, btw, leaving you without your favorite excuse to ignore facts).
Market-based incentives ensure that the most highly skilled people are practicing medicine, since the investment of time and money one puts into becoming a doctor are enormous. The current practices of the American medical insurance community are effective at keeping costs down because they limit both doctors' and patients' abilities to abuse the system for every little ache and pain.
The end result is that there is more money to help those that don't have the resources. Do some people fall through the cracks? Yes, I suppose they do. But the answer is to fix the cracks, not tear the world's most effective and efficient system and replace it with something that increases cost, chases away the best and brightest from the medical field because they could make better money doing something else, and makes EVERYONE suffer.
I guess that's equality to a liberal. Make everyone as miserable as those who are the worst off. Personally, I'd rather build on our successes to bring more people up to the awesome standard of living that we enjoy in this great country.
BTW, I took my own poll here, and 20 out of 21 people agree with my position. All that proves to me is that you probably work in a blue collar environment where your peers are as undeducated and bitter as you about the fact that society doesn't value what you do for a living enough to pay you what YOU think you're worth. I, on the other hand, work in an environment where people are trained in the discipline of critical thinking and quickly realize that socialized medicine would be a disaster for our country.
What whiny liberals don't get is that we are all created equal in inherent value to God and endowed with equal rights to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. What we are NOT is equal in abilities. Even if you succeed in changing the rules, smart (and sometimes ruthless) people will still sit at the top of the heap, while stupid, gullible, afflicted and naive people (such as those who vote Democrat, for example) will still either be doing the menial things or need to be taken care of by society.
True justice and equality will never be seen in this world, not until Christ returns. Does that mean that we shouldn't strive for it? Not at all, but I'm not willing to throw away the baby with the bathwater. Much of what we have in this country is good, honorable and moral. That's because there is an underlying morality in the foundations of our society that was delivered by the Living God throughout history.
Are we out of balance? Sure. Our country is a cesspool of immorality, personal irresponsibility and depravity. And it's not limited to the rich, either.
It wouldn't surprise me a bit if God's judgement on our country would be to let people like you have your way.
Then we'll see how much better off you are.
Market-based incentives ensure that the most highly skilled people are practicing medicine, since the investment of time and money one puts into becoming a doctor are enormous. The current practices of the American medical insurance community are effective at keeping costs down because they limit both doctors' and patients' abilities to abuse the system for every little ache and pain.
The end result is that there is more money to help those that don't have the resources. Do some people fall through the cracks? Yes, I suppose they do. But the answer is to fix the cracks, not tear the world's most effective and efficient system and replace it with something that increases cost, chases away the best and brightest from the medical field because they could make better money doing something else, and makes EVERYONE suffer.
I guess that's equality to a liberal. Make everyone as miserable as those who are the worst off. Personally, I'd rather build on our successes to bring more people up to the awesome standard of living that we enjoy in this great country.
BTW, I took my own poll here, and 20 out of 21 people agree with my position. All that proves to me is that you probably work in a blue collar environment where your peers are as undeducated and bitter as you about the fact that society doesn't value what you do for a living enough to pay you what YOU think you're worth. I, on the other hand, work in an environment where people are trained in the discipline of critical thinking and quickly realize that socialized medicine would be a disaster for our country.
What whiny liberals don't get is that we are all created equal in inherent value to God and endowed with equal rights to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. What we are NOT is equal in abilities. Even if you succeed in changing the rules, smart (and sometimes ruthless) people will still sit at the top of the heap, while stupid, gullible, afflicted and naive people (such as those who vote Democrat, for example) will still either be doing the menial things or need to be taken care of by society.
True justice and equality will never be seen in this world, not until Christ returns. Does that mean that we shouldn't strive for it? Not at all, but I'm not willing to throw away the baby with the bathwater. Much of what we have in this country is good, honorable and moral. That's because there is an underlying morality in the foundations of our society that was delivered by the Living God throughout history.
Are we out of balance? Sure. Our country is a cesspool of immorality, personal irresponsibility and depravity. And it's not limited to the rich, either.
It wouldn't surprise me a bit if God's judgement on our country would be to let people like you have your way.
Then we'll see how much better off you are.
a-jinghip-e, care to comment on the well documented fact that there is a brain-dump of highly skilled professionals out of Canada going to the US - the largest majority occurring in the medical fields?
Wanna know why? The government doesn't make the payments on time because of the volume and the salaries for most medical professions are a lot lower there and taxes are higher. This goes for most of those comprising the brain-dump. So you see, there isn't agreement for your position that something government run is better. It just isn't true. It may have benefits here and there - no one denies you that. To make your absolutes and generalities as you do - just doesn't cut it, especially on this subject.
Wanna know why? The government doesn't make the payments on time because of the volume and the salaries for most medical professions are a lot lower there and taxes are higher. This goes for most of those comprising the brain-dump. So you see, there isn't agreement for your position that something government run is better. It just isn't true. It may have benefits here and there - no one denies you that. To make your absolutes and generalities as you do - just doesn't cut it, especially on this subject.
"On your second point, I did a very scientific poll here at work, and of the 14 people here, 11 agree with me about the single payer health care system. That proves that you are out of the mainstream. And the three that didn't agree? They're nazi chimp-worshipers anyway, so who cares what they think."
I learn the following:
- science is emotion
- 14 people working in the Pitt library ARE the mainstream
- and those who provide a different view as to the goal of a survey are now considered worthless.
BTW: to call someone worthless isn't all that bad, but to refer to them as an 'illegal alien' is... I almost chocked you up to have a double -standard - but that would assume you had a standard at all.
I learn the following:
- science is emotion
- 14 people working in the Pitt library ARE the mainstream
- and those who provide a different view as to the goal of a survey are now considered worthless.
BTW: to call someone worthless isn't all that bad, but to refer to them as an 'illegal alien' is... I almost chocked you up to have a double -standard - but that would assume you had a standard at all.
The amount that you don't know about me in particular, and life in general, could fill 10 university libraries.
"In otherwords, you work for a company that exploits the planet and its workers, and you listen to the rich who expect you to thank them for all they are giving you when they piss in your mouth."
No, I work for Heinz, which exploits neither the planet nor its workers. In fact, the company has a rich history of being very generous to its workers, the local community, and the world at large. I have been treated with the utmost respect and rewarded generously for my contributions. If that's what you called having your mouth pissed in, bring on the Golden Showers!
"My colleagues are extremely educated, brilliant, and yes, underpaid as you point out."
Emptying the trash or delivering the mail for college professors or researchers does not make you their colleague. Your inability to articulate even the most basic justification for your opinions or use the language for any other purpose besides name calling prohibits me from making that leap of faith.
"If you and your ilk and the corporate fat cats you work for were forced to pay what you should, we would be getting paid what we are worth."
I find it interesting that your entire worldview depends on imposing your will on everyone else to achieve your vision of justice and equality. We're just supposed to take your word for it, because the facts are "well established"? Where does freedom and self-determination fall within your vision? Or is that irrelevant?
"Drive through the inner city if you dare."
I lived in the inner city for many years, and I don't exactly live in the suburbs now. The streets don't scare nearly as much as self-deluded Marxist such as yourself and your "colleagues". There are good and bad people there, just like everywhere else. It's heartening to see someone embrace the light and accept God's grace in the midst of darkness. What's your excuse?
The amount that you don't know about me in particular, and life in general, could fill 10 university libraries.
"In otherwords, you work for a company that exploits the planet and its workers, and you listen to the rich who expect you to thank them for all they are giving you when they piss in your mouth."
No, I work for Heinz, which exploits neither the planet nor its workers. In fact, the company has a rich history of being very generous to its workers, the local community, and the world at large. I have been treated with the utmost respect and rewarded generously for my contributions. If that's what you called having your mouth pissed in, bring on the Golden Showers!
"My colleagues are extremely educated, brilliant, and yes, underpaid as you point out."
Emptying the trash or delivering the mail for college professors or researchers does not make you their colleague. Your inability to articulate even the most basic justification for your opinions or use the language for any other purpose besides name calling prohibits me from making that leap of faith.
"If you and your ilk and the corporate fat cats you work for were forced to pay what you should, we would be getting paid what we are worth."
I find it interesting that your entire worldview depends on imposing your will on everyone else to achieve your vision of justice and equality. We're just supposed to take your word for it, because the facts are "well established"? Where does freedom and self-determination fall within your vision? Or is that irrelevant?
"Drive through the inner city if you dare."
I lived in the inner city for many years, and I don't exactly live in the suburbs now. The streets don't scare nearly as much as self-deluded Marxist such as yourself and your "colleagues". There are good and bad people there, just like everywhere else. It's heartening to see someone embrace the light and accept God's grace in the midst of darkness. What's your excuse?
Your perspective:
"Please. You get crumbs compared to what your bosses and their bosses get."
My perspective:
"..I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Paul to the Phillipians (4:10-13)
What do I care about what other people above me make? That's between them and God. God provides my needs and has given me a decent place to work. My attitude is one of thankfulness to God for His provision, not grumbling jealousy because others have more than I do.
"I have a Master of International Development. I am educated..."
Congratulations. My apologies for assuming otherwise. I would have thought, however, that someone with a Master's Degree actually knew how to cite sources and back up opinions with facts, or at least acknowledge the underlying belief system that informs their opinions, no matter how ludicrous.
"Freedom and self-determination are at the heart of my ideal society. Anyone could do whatever they wanted and whatever they were suited for without having to worry about how they were going to pay for what life has to offer."
Except quote the Bible as the ultimate source of authority (hate speech), be a Republican or a conservative (bigots, nazis, and unjust exploiters of the planet and the noble poor), have more than 2 children (or educate them with any values other than the state's), or basically hold any belief or strive after any goal that is contrary to your "well established facts".
"...there is no reason that I should be penalized for chosing a life of helping people expand their minds..."
Who are you? Timothy Leary?
"Please. You get crumbs compared to what your bosses and their bosses get."
My perspective:
"..I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Paul to the Phillipians (4:10-13)
What do I care about what other people above me make? That's between them and God. God provides my needs and has given me a decent place to work. My attitude is one of thankfulness to God for His provision, not grumbling jealousy because others have more than I do.
"I have a Master of International Development. I am educated..."
Congratulations. My apologies for assuming otherwise. I would have thought, however, that someone with a Master's Degree actually knew how to cite sources and back up opinions with facts, or at least acknowledge the underlying belief system that informs their opinions, no matter how ludicrous.
"Freedom and self-determination are at the heart of my ideal society. Anyone could do whatever they wanted and whatever they were suited for without having to worry about how they were going to pay for what life has to offer."
Except quote the Bible as the ultimate source of authority (hate speech), be a Republican or a conservative (bigots, nazis, and unjust exploiters of the planet and the noble poor), have more than 2 children (or educate them with any values other than the state's), or basically hold any belief or strive after any goal that is contrary to your "well established facts".
"...there is no reason that I should be penalized for chosing a life of helping people expand their minds..."
Who are you? Timothy Leary?
Are you dyslexic or something? I said what do I care what people ABOVE me make. How does that translate into indifference to someone starving in the street or a neglected child?
And you've never even been close to the road I'm talking about, from what I can tell. You know nothing about it.
It's pointless to even have a discussion with you, since you insist on twisting words to fit your own narrow, earthbound view of reality.
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Are you dyslexic or something? I said what do I care what people ABOVE me make. How does that translate into indifference to someone starving in the street or a neglected child?
And you've never even been close to the road I'm talking about, from what I can tell. You know nothing about it.
It's pointless to even have a discussion with you, since you insist on twisting words to fit your own narrow, earthbound view of reality.
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