The Drake Musing
Blogger Blows Goats
Thus making me having to post my comments to some of my favorite bloggers in this post. I hope everyone get these.

To The Unseen Blogger: I'm all for ANWR drilling, but with reservations. We who love the creation as the Lord's handiwork need to realize that America's addiction to oil is making us vulnerable. Even if ANWR produces enough oil to completely relieve us from the death grip of OPEC for the next hundred years (which I doubt), we need to move forward in our research of alternative means of transport fuel. I also would be very disappointed -- but not surprised -- if we didn't take every care to ensure the continued maintenance of the ANWR eco-system. That said, it is critical that we pursue this avenue RIGHT NOW!

To Willow: You go girl! I am thrilled for you and your move into a vocation and lifestyle that is free from the shackles of corporate bullshit. I am envious.

To The Urban Princess: I think that we humans are unwilling to honestly own up to our true feelings because they reveal us as irrational. We are attracted to people who aren't good for us. We want things that will ultimately harm us. We want to deny the pain and longing that comes from being sinners in a broken world. And most of all, we just want to feel good forever. At least I do. Acknowledging this honestly, especially before God, often brings us to a choice we don't want make. Or to the recognition that we've already made a choice that we shouldn't have, the consequences of which are ours to bear.

To all the acolytes of The Bohemian Mama: Repent! All of this drivel about evangelical Christians being the unwitting dupes of evil, thus enemies of the 'noble poor' is giving me gas. If you are truly interested in helping the poor and oppressed of this country, read this.

That's it for now. The Drake needs to get some work done.


To "The Drake"

I have been reading your stuff for about 2-3 months. I go by the name "Anon." ( the encouraging Anon I believe ) Howvever I struggle to deal with repeated failure and might have offered the "spiritual kick in the butt" I believe you deserved. Mabye just a wake-up call from a true outsider.

Nonetheless, I am a conservative by nature and do my best to walk on His path at all times. ( mid 30s / male / wife/kids included ) Yes, I fail more than I would like, but I never give up! God's way is the only way and I will strive to do better each day.

I want to know what you are seeking in life? Are you happy with your life as these changes take place? You have a great deal to say; what is your true motivation with your words?

Help me understand.

I agree that we need to be careful of creation. The fact is we need the oil and we don't have any other energy source that is as economical. I hope ANWR ends up being a temporary solution and that alternative fuels do become inexpensive enough to consider.

Geez. The acolytes of the BM almost sound like Gnostics.


1. I am seeking to know Christ in such a way that people who know or meet me will be challenged and encouraged to know Him as well. I am seeking to live in a way that honors him with my unique gifts and fills my life with the richness of loving, supportive relationships.

2. I don't like to use the word 'happy'. It's too culturally contaminated. I am deeply aware of the tremendous blessings that have been poured into my life. I have known real joy, peace and contentment as a result of this awareness. I also experience deep sadness, pain and longing for things that I want, but don't have -- either because God has not granted them or because I have chosen to no longer pursue them because they are either wrong or wrong for me.

3. My primary motivation for writing this blog is to sharpen my ability to communicate honestly and effectively through writing. However, I view the blog as more of a scratchpad to work out thoughts and feelings. I do try to persuade or entertain on occasion, but mostly I am just journaling and hoping for some feedback. It is my hope that some will find the honest accounts of my struggles, and occasional victories, in this Christian life a refreshing departure from the pretense and posing that one often finds in confessing Christians.

Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free..." He never said that the truth would alway be pretty or comfortable or phrased in polite speech.

In short, I live for truth.
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