The Drake Musing
Two Countries?

It's sad, really.

The media and oh-so-many out in the blogosphere are really putting up a fuss over the election results. In the best scenarios, some Democrats are trying to figure out a way to bridge the morality gap that seems to be the most favored explanation among them as to how their obviously superior guy could've lost to 'that idiot'. The more desparately entrenched among the liberals have resorted to much more drastic solutions.

There was the guy who killed himself at Ground Zero, the endless stories of people who are either considering or pursuing relocation outside our borders, and my personal favorite -- the yutz from Brooklyn who has 'seceded from the Union'.

That got me thinking. Seeing as how this whole red state/blue state dichotomy has become such a convenient way of delineating the two Americas, what would it be like if we just let these libs take their ball and go home? Literally.

With the profusion of election results maps showing up on the 'Net, it seems like a pretty good deal for us 'Reds' to just let the Blues start their own country with the borders defined, not by the states, but by the counties which chose John Kerry over George Bush in the most recent election.

The maps make one thing very clear: liberals tend to congregate in the major urban areas and their surrounding counties. Under existing economies, this works well for them, but i wonder how much they'd like their lives if their national borders were defined by this current election's blue counties?

What would the balance of power look like then?

See where i'm going here? The liberals in this country can only enjoy their sense of intellectual and cultural superiority as long as we 'backwards' Heartlanders continue to provide them with the essentials of life. Furthermore, i'd like to see what would happen to the harmony between the liberal elite and their working class comrades if they were all forced to live within the current Blue borders and have to 'import' the majority of life's necessities from the Red Country. Let's see how much empathy John and Teresa have for their Union supporters when they can't get their garbage picked up outside the Boston townhouse because the collectors went on strike demanding more money and better benefits.

Let's face it. The liberal element in this country doesn't really produce much of value. Just a bunch of ideas that never really seem to work, and a bunch of rhetoric to confuse the weak-minded to abandon common sense in favor of fantasy.

And i don't really think that we'd have to worry too much about protecting our national integrity from incursions from the Blue. We own and produce the guns. And the elements within Blue Country that don't exactly fit the 'gun control' model would probably initially use their power to take over the Blue Country from the country club, gun control set.

Alas, it's only a fantasy, but a fun one.

The only problem is that i'd have to move. That's why i'd prefer the county approach to the state one. That way i'd only have to move a short distance.

When the old folks start dyin' off, I think this whole side of the state will be red. Although I don't know if it will be enough to overcome the "Democrat Machine" in Philly.
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