i love 'em! for instance, what i do is now commonly called 'Business Intelligence'.... what a hoot! no business i've ever worked for has shown much in the way of intelligence, especially in the corporate world... the old term was 'Decision Support' -- another oxymoron... more often than not, what i produced only showed the stupidity of decisions already made.
but the one i've been thinking about today is 'Common Sense'. if sense is defined as the capacity to discern good from bad, right from wrong, workable from unworkable, smart from stupid, or lies from truth -- it's far from common.
if sense were common, this election cycle wouldn't be so nerve wracking. alleged possessors of this facility would know that there is not enough money in the world to pay for all of the panaceas he's promised. they would know that simply because he says he would do a better job in the war on terror doesn't make it so. this is a guy who would have asked permission to kick Saddam's butt from the people who were busy making fat money selling him weapons for illegal oil revenues!
working people, those who are supposed to be the most generously endowed with this gift, would realize that a rich, white, middle-aged liberal from New England could give a Norwegian Brown's hairy behind about their problems beyond how he can use them to get himself more power over our lives than he already has.
if sense were common, more people would realize that it's much harder to concoct a conspiracy with 250 Vietnam Veterans who call Kerry an opportunistic liar than it is to do the same with the handful of crew members who praise him as made of the stuff we want in a Commander-in-Chief.
Finally, if sense were common, more of us would realize that Kerry talking about the depth of his Catholic faith in one sentence and promising not to infringe on a woman's 'right to choose' in the next has no conception of morality other than expediency of the moment.