Lest it be said that i am just an automaton chirping out the party line, let me point out a few things i've noticed about the current administration.
Bush is clearly in over his head in Iraq, at least his initiation of the conflict was not well thought out. I tend to believe Pat Robertson's recent comments that Bush expected neither casualties nor the ensuing state of chaos that now pervades many parts of Iraq. That said, however, the current situation in both Iraq and Afghanistan underscores the overall success of the Bush Doctrine. Afghanistan is on track to true national sovereignty that represents ALL of its people for the first time in history. Iraq is a different story. Beset on two borders by countries determined to crush any hope of democracy and self-determination for the Iraqi people, namely Iran and Syria, the insurgence is a consequence of the Bush Administration's unwillingness to get tough with the REAL enemies.
Where are Saddam's weapons of mass destruction? Most likely Syria. While Bush and Powell played footsie with the U.N. for nearly a month, Saddam was busy planning the current insurgency. Convoys crossed the border into Syria, and the hordes of weapons he purchased from Russia, France and Germany were stored in Ramallah, Fallujah, Ramadi and Sadr City.
Am I the only who figured that the ease of the American forces' march into Baghdad was part of Saddam's overall stategy? When will the American government realize that its enemies are fighting a different kind of war? It only makes sense. We are much too effective in convential warfare to be resisted on our own terms. So the terror masterminds waited for us to get entrenched in the occupation before beginning the real war -- the war they can win. This is an enemy who is willing to sacrifice women and children, to bear casualties ten times our own in pursuit of their cause.
And what is that cause? To usher in an Islamic world goverment, or die a martyrs death eradicating us infidels.
And why do they think they can win? Because they see all too clearly that we are too wrapped up in our lives of luxury to be willing to pay the price required to defeat this consuming evil in the world. Why do you think actors and musicians are among the most vocal in their opposition to this administration and the war? They don't want their party interrupted by the inconvenience of a country at war in the name of freedom.